new patients

acupuncture is not magic,
but the treatments themselves may feel magical. True healing and adjustment in the body is a process that takes time and attention.
We would love to help you get back in balance.
Your initial acupuncture visit will be approximately 1 hour. We will first take a detailed health history and assess your body’s balance according to Chinese Medicine diagnostics. These methods of assessments will then allow us to design a treatment plan specifically tailored to you.
The treatment plan will address how we will be working with your body’s imbalance, a general timeline for treatment, and what kinds of treatment will be involved (acupuncture, cupping, and/or herbal medicine). Following the treatment, we will offer you diet and lifestyle recommendations, as well as herbal medicine, if needed.
To get the most out of your acupuncture session, we need your active participation. These tips will help you receive the best possible treatment:
prior to your visit
Arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment to complete our office forms.
Eat a light meal 1 to 2 hours before your session so that your stomach is not too empty or too full.
Refrain from strenuous exercise, overexertion, or drugs or alcohol consumption.
Bring a list of medications you are currently taking.
Bring any information about your case that you may have received from your other doctors such as X-ray/MRI reports, lab tests, blood work, etc.
during your visit
Be prepared to discuss all aspects of your health. It is important to get an overview of your physical and mental well-being in order to properly diagnosis your present condition.
According to our diagnosis of your condition, we will treat you with specific acupuncture points to re-balance your body.
After the treatment, we will discuss our treatment plan (frequency and duration), make nutritional and lifestyle recommendations based on your body’s imbalance.
after your visit
Refrain from strenuous exercise and alcohol for at least 3 hours after acupuncture.
Drink plenty of water.
Please try to rest.
Follow the treatment plan and recommendations your practitioner has derived for you.
Schedule your appointments as suggested by your practitioner. This is important because each session builds upon the previous one.
Please keep in mind that Chinese Medicine is not a magic pill. True healing and adjustment in the body is a process that takes time and attention. Although you will often feel better right away, lasting change and shifts in health come incrementally. This safe and effective form of natural medicine gently nudges the body towards better balance, and over time strengthens the body and enhances vitality.
If you have any questions about your treatment plan, don’t hesitate to ask us. You are always welcome to get in touch with us between appointments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about acupuncture and Chinese medicine. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
how does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture treatment sets out to correct any imbalance in the energy of a person, to restore the energy to its natural balance, and to re-establish its rhythm. As the energy imbalances are corrected, the person’s body, mind and spirit start to heal.
This is how acupuncture normalizes the physiological dysfunction, helps to maintain the body’s physical condition by preventing disease, promoting health, and yearning to achieve longevity.
does acupuncture hurt?
It’s hard to describe the sensation felt because each person will experience a unique sensation. Nothing is felt as the needle penetrates the skin but there are some sensations as the needle reaches the acupuncture points.
This can usually be a feeling of numbness or achiness, or sometimes an “alive” sensation.
what are acupuncture needles like?
Needles used in acupuncture are usually of stainless steel, not much thicker than a human hair. They are solid, not hollow like needles used for injections in Western medical practice.
are acupuncture needles sterile and safe?
The government requires acupuncturists to follow very strict sterilization and health procedures. Pre-sterilized acupuncture needles are manufactured, packaged, and shipped in sterilized containers to ensure compliance with law.
how deep do the acupuncture needles go?
The depth of the insertion varies considerably. Needles are usually inserted just below the skin surface since most acupuncture points lie just under it.
Typically, the needles will go to a depth from ¼ inch to as much as 1½ to 2 inches, depending on the nature of the health issue.
how long, how many, and how often?
Depending on the patient’s condition and treatment plan, each treatment averages about thirty minutes. Because each patient’s health condition and reaction to treatment are unique, the number and frequency of treatment varies.
Typically, the recommendation is 2 to 4 times per week for the first 4 weeks. Some patients respond remarkably after only 1 or 2 treatments. Some may not improve until the 8th or 9th visit.
For chronic symptoms, it may require 2 or 3 treatments per week for several months for maximum results. Acute conditions require less treatment than chronic ones.
what is Chinese herbal medicine?
Based on thousands of years of research and experience, acupuncturists and herbalists have accumulated a variety of formulas to create the perfect herbal medicine for patients.
Herbs, with their innate medicinal properties, are vital in adding healthful benefits to treatments like acupuncture. Raw herbs or herbal supplements, such as herbal teas, may be prescribed for the patient to complement the acupuncture treatment by supplying nutrients to areas that need nourishment.
How do I take herbal medicine?
The herbal medicines are infamous for their bitter taste; however, due to their healthful benefits, patients manage to overcome the bitterness.
The herbal medicines today are available in tea, pill, and powder forms.
is herbal medicine safe?
Chinese herbs are effective and safe in the hands of well-trained herbalists. Herbal medicine education programs train herbalists with knowledge in dosage, combination, and interaction of herbs. Herbalists work with the FDA to ensure the quality and safety of Chinese herbs imported into this country.
Today, there are a handful of herbs that are actually harvested from the United States.
do you have health insurance?
Today, many health insurance plans now cover acupuncture for chronic pain and other symptoms. We can find out if you have acupuncture coverage.