herbal medicine

herbal formulas are tailored specifically to
each person’s symptoms and constitution
Chinese herbs should only be taken under the supervision of a practitioner who is nationally certified in either Chinese Herbology or Oriental Medicine by the NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine).
For thousands of years, Chinese herbal medicine has been practiced on multiple continents, due to its strong benefits that do not disrupt the body’s balance or create other health problems. Because the ingredients are all found within our natural environment rather than being artificially manufactured in laboratories, the herbal formulas have lower risks of adverse reactions and side effects than do conventional medicine.
The herbs consist of plant botanicals such as roots, stems, leaves, barks, flowers, seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables given to us by nature. They sometimes include animals and minerals, which are all validated by thousands of years of clinical experience. Each individual herb has a taste, temperature, and nature that focus on specific areas of the body. When the herbs are prescribed correctly and combined into formulas, they are tailored specifically to the individual’s symptoms and constitution, allowing various symptoms to be treated at once.
Today, the formulas are commonly prescribed and prepared as tea decoctions, granule powders, pills, and tablets. These formulas are taken internally for indigestion, fatigue, gynecological issues, and hormonal imbalance. Some formulas can be applied topically in the form of liniments, plasters, and herbal compresses to effectively relieve pain or skin conditions.
did you know?
The ingredients in herbal formulas are all found within our natural environment rather than being artificially manufactured in laboratories. Thus, they have lower risks of adverse reactions and side effects than conventional medicine when prescribed correctly.