
cupping is remarkably effective in treating a variety of disorders by stimulating blood and energy flow
Recent studies have shown cupping’s effectiveness in reducing pain intensity and providing positive short-term benefits.
In recent years, cupping has been growing in popularity, with celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, Michael Phelps, and even Conor McGregor drawing public attention to the traditional benefits of Chinese cupping therapy techniques. Recent studies have shown cupping’s effectiveness in reducing pain intensity and providing positive short-term benefits.
Many chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, constipation, anxiety, fatigue, headaches, fibromyalgia, and neuralgia can be effectively treated with cupping. Traumatic injuries, stubborn orthopedic conditions, and lingering sports injuries can also be helped. Cupping is a valuable adjunct treatment that complements detoxification, weight loss, and skin tone improvement, all of which help you look and feel your best.
When toxins or cell wastes stagnate in the muscles or joints, the body struggles with their disposal, often resulting in discomfort or pain. Cupping draws stagnant blood and other fluids up to the skin level and away from the injury, so that healthy circulation can be restored to the affected area. The pulling action of cupping facilitates the release of rigid soft tissues, stimulates the peripheral nervous system, loosens and lifts connective tissues, and breaks up and drains stagnation. It also increases blood and lymph flow to skin, muscles, and connective tissues. It achieves these things far more rapidly and effectively than many other types of therapies.
Cupping therapy is a time-honored tradition favored by millions of people worldwide and can be combined with an acupuncture treatment or used as a stand-alone treatment.
did you know?
The pulling action of the cups engage the parasympathetic nervous system, which allows for a deep relaxed state. It can also help with detoxification and weight loss, in addition to improving skin tone.